Ethan Baker

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Rea Elle Masashi IV
©2004 Ethan Baker

Hey, this little kitty is Rem, short of course for Rae Elle Masashi the Fourth. Isn't she adorable? If you'll notice, she's a specific species of cat (Japanese Bobtail). The idea for this kitty came to me as a random thought, in the same way as many of my characters seem to come (Especially when I'm watching TV). Weird, huh? Though I'm sure somewhere in the back of my mind, she was somewhat influenced by the character Tera from Teen Titans; you know, the girl that Beast Boy liked? 

Rem is part of cast of three characters based in my 'Echoes' universe. I'm not sure where I'm going to take this character or her supporting cast. She may get her own little story series some day, but for now she remains as just an interesting idea for a cartoon series, maybe I can contract with Cartoon Network someday, who knows? Additionally, Rem appears as a crossover character in an unfinished Tailspin fan fiction that I've posted on It's called "Any Port in a Storm" if you want to look it up.