Ethan Baker

Game Day 3
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©2004 Ethan Baker

I had the toughest time getting her tail to look right in this one; getting it to drape over the step like that. I'm still having a little trouble with perspective; she was supposed to be leaning over more but I couldn't get her middle to bend right. But I think overall it turned out pretty good. It looks believable. This was going to be the last picture in the Game Day series but I need one more to convey the emotions more accurately to the message of the song. This is not the end, God had chosen something better for the singer than soccer and even though he's sad and confused, he still realizes that God is in control. I think that's what the song is saying. Right now my Siberian husky gal here seems to simply be conveying hopelessness, as if God is just a cruel guy who wants to ruin people's dreams, which of course couldn't be further from the truth. Yeah, I need another picture.