Ethan Baker

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Divas À fourrure De l'Espace

Un Sans Autre?

(loosely translated: "One Without the Other?")


The Premise:

Captain Terri Antilleto is the captain of the furry, all-female crew onboard the research vessel "Kaleidoscope", on a fifteen year mission to test the notion of whether or not women can survive without the presence of men. Terri is quite confident that they can, until one fateful day when the Kaleidoscope is hailed by a freighter vessel populated by a seemingly innocent, polite crew of men. Unable to endure the entreaties and appeals of her curious crew, many of whom have never seen a man before in their lives, Terri finally allows the equally clueless men to come over for a "quick, friendly visit" -- and there's where the comic insanity truly begins.


This pseudo-comic is rated G for 'Good, clean fun.'

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The Characters:


Terri Antilleto, Captain

Age: 33

Species: Striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis)

Origin: West Virginia, USA

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Light brown

Preferred Style: Short, shoulder length, gathers at the bottom


Role: Trying to keep control of the ship and keep her sanity. She has managed the former pretty well, but the latter has proved much more allusive. Trying to lead a crew of only women can prove daunting at times, especially when your second in command acts like a child, your chief of security doesnt enforce your ultimatums, your doctor faints at the site of blood, and your chief engineer is smart but so small that shes always getting squashed in various different ways by the taller, more clumsy crew. Terri and Sophie are perhaps the only intelligent life forms on board the entire ship. Terri retreats to her quarters often to mope about how mistreated she is to have to lead this impossible crew. "Why me!? Why, why, why, why!? "

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Dayna Calossi

Age: 30

Species: River otter (Lutra canadensis)

Origin: Minnesota, USA

Hair Color: Light, grayish brown

Preferred Style: Short, bobbed style (cut straight across the bottom edge with sides coming down and curling around the head a bit; head hugging, but loose enough to not look 'boyish'; Kinda think B'Lanna Torres from "Star Trek", except shorter.

Eye Color: Silverish gray


Role: Dayna tries to appear domineering and authoritative when the captain is around but often falls asleep on the job and engages in mischief with the rest of the crew when the captains not looking. Dayna has a very bad sense of direction and often gets lost on the ship (which makes it very hard to respond to a security threat.) She also has many irrational fears. Paranoid and obsessive, Dayna provides the eccentric, although strangely likable, character on board. She has a tall stature and stands at least a head above everyone else. This often gives a false impression of her actual "leadership" capability.

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Kayleekakona Vazra Olruhkalkopi (otherwise know as Kaylee) or simply "Kay"

Age: 29

Species: Bat (Little red flying-fox), (Pteropus scapulatus)

Origin: Bangor, India/Florida, USA

Hair Color: Black

Preferred Style: a bit curyly, to mid-back, thick. She also likes to keep it dyed with a metallic-blue streak down one side

Eye Color: very dark brown (almost black) Kaylee has round eyes and large pupils


Role: Kaylee never goes by her full name unless it needs to be recorded for official records and shes even embarrassed by the name. She is a jittery, anxious character that faints at the site of blood and can't seem to hold a needle still. Although she is the official "doctor" on board, she doesnt really have a PhD and she only took a nursing class in college. She is also the science officer on board but has little knowledge of spatial physics. She tries to sound scientific, but rarely knows what she's talking about. Kaylee is often insecure about herself and doesn't like to have her picture taken or to be "put in the spot light". Kaylee is supposed to be the cute, shy, character and is easy to feel sorry for. Awww She does however, know Dayna very well and isn't afraid to show her who's boss in sick bay. (As you will see). Kaylee has a peculiar expression for frustration that she uses often: "Mother of pearl!"

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Sophie Alderbranch

Age 31

Species: Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

Origin: Alberta, Canada

Hair Color: Red

Preferred Style: shoulder length, usually kept back in a pony tail (as not to interfere with her work

Eye Color: brown


Role: Sophie is the chief engineer and tries to be serious about her work, but remain cheerful at the same time. She can usually be seen wearing tinted welding goggles and likes to carry around her favorite tool: the blow torch. Terri would have liked to make Sophie her second in command but Sophie is always too busy fixing the many pieces of complex ship's equipment that the crew are always breaking. Sophie attempts to get her jobs done promptly, but her diminutive size often gets her "overlooked" by the clumsy crew, which leads to some special problems, as you will find out when you read the story. Sophie plays the nerdy, workaholic type character and she is often involved in very ironic situations.


Teel Sanderpelt

Age: 20

Species: Swift fox (Vulpes velox)

Origin: Rhode Island, USA

Hair Color: Flaxen (pale blonde)

Preferred Style: Disheveled, down to mid-back

Eye Color: Teal


Role: Teel came aboard the ship at the young age of twelve and although physically she is now twenty, unfortunately her IQ hasn't progressed much farther than age ten. The captain made her the unofficial first officer after the previous one went insane after only the first year. Teel is accident-prone, mischievous, and has an extremely short attention span. She serves as the catalyst for many of the jokes, especially the ones concerning the men, and she also serves as an extra dose of lunacy to Terri's captainship. She has known Dayna two years before she actually came aboard the ship, as Dayna was the one responsible for training her to live in space.



Age: indeterminate

Species: Robot (feline)

Hair: none


Role: Chi-Chi came with the ship when it was first bought and was found by Teel, deactivated, in a dusty, forgotten, compartment in the ship's storage room, polished, intact, and looking brand new. Chi-Chi obviously serves some technical function but nobody has been able to figure out exactly what its supposed to be. Teel however seems content to believe that Chi-Chi exists for her own personal enjoyment. Chi-Chi pops up here and there in the story to provide a non-organic perspective to things and to generally just stand around and look cute. "Chi!"

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Not-as-major characters:
Yvonne Saratova
Age: 27
Species: Siberian Husky (Canis familiaris)
Origin: Alaska, USA (parents born in Vladivostok, Russia)
Hair Color: Fair blonde
Preferred Style: mid-back, full, unrestricted usually, but sometimes loosely held back with a scrunchy
Eye Color: Pale gray
Role: Helmsman, oldest and wisest of the "Bridge Sisters". She is easily annoyed but tollerent. She is well respected on the ship because she's the only one who knows how to fly the dumb thing (besides Terri). She however is easily distracted and often complains of being bored.

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CJ Weizel (that's wee-'zel, it's French)
Age: 26
Species: Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata)
Origin: The Bronx, New York, USA (with close French background)
Hair Color: Red
Preferred Style: shoulder length, a bandanna tied around the top or a black baret, her hair rarely if ever left uncovered
Eye Color: blue
Role: CJ is part of Dayna's security team. She is very strong willed and stubborn and disrespectful and she often gives Dayna a hard time. CJ grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, or the wrong side of everything for that matter. She has lived most of her life in the crime filled, gang infested sections of the New York Bronx and has taken on many of it's charactaristics. CJ has a great contempt for authority and is very much a tomboy (and a mean one at that). She is very devious and sneaky and she loves beating people up and playing practical jokes on everybody, but especially on Dayna. Most of the crew fear her and cower in her presence, and for good reason too. Almost no one dares cross her (at least not intentionaly.) The only one who CJ is afraid of is the captain, Terri. She has a long-held respect for Terri for the same reason that she fears her: Terri does not take any of CJ's crap. CJ Weisel plays the role of the "school bully" and also serves as a subject for ironic tastes of her own medicine. Finally, CJ serves as the catalyst for some funky French humor.

The Guys:

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Jammin Knox (jae-min noks)

Captain of the "Bravad"

Species: Striped skunk

-Character not yet developed-

All art and characters are ©2004 Ethan Baker